Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Giving Yourself The Best Sex Life

Posted on September 10, 2013, 6:09 am
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The Prevention Séx Jump Start—two weeks' worth of ideas from the country's leading séxual health doctors, researchers, and counselors—can help you make séx a priority again.
"Between BlackBerrys, kids, and worrying about money, for many women, séx has become just one more thing to stress about or squeeze in," says Gina Ogden, PhD, a séx therapist in Cambridge, MA, and author of The Return of Desire. In fact, almost 60% of Prevention readers say they are not totally satisfied with their séx lives, according to our survey of thousands of women. 
The solution? Talk to your partner about the plan. There's no need to follow it verbatim—just pick the tips that inspire both of you, and dedicate the next two weeks to this vital aspect of your relationship. "You can't assume that romance will take care of itself or last forever—you have to work on it," says Sheryl Kingsberg, PhD, psychologist and chief of behavioral medicine, University Hospitals Case Medical Center and professor of reproductive biology at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. Try even just a few of the recommendations that follow, and we promise you'll feel a little healthier, happier, and more satisfied with your relationship and your séx life!

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